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Post Tagged with: "Calvinist Methodists"

  • Revival is Real

    After all the blogs on church decline, I felt I needed to write on something more positive. Not that I am negative about the future of the Christian church. The Lord Jesus promised that his gospel would cover the earth […]

  • Revival and Church Growth – Dealing with Objections

    In two previous posts [1,2] I used the growth and decline of the Presbyterian denomination in Wales to put forward two complementary theses:   The growth of the church in the UK from the mid-1730s to the 1870s was due […]

  • Church Decline Caused By Lack of Revival

    In my last blog [1], I showed that the primary cause of decline for the Presbyterian Church of Wales (aka Calvinist Methodists) in the 20th century was due to a large drop in conversions to the church. Additionally, there was […]

  • Church Decline Caused by Lack of Conversions

    In my last blog, Closing Rural Churches [1], I said that no strategy to reverse church decline would work unless it deals with the root cause of decline, the church’s failure to recruit sufficient people to counteract its losses. In […]

  • Update on the Welsh Outpouring 2013

    It is now five months since the phenomenon that has become known as the Welsh Outpouring started in Victory Church Cwmbran, Wales. Although I, and others, have referred to this as the “Cwmbran Outpouring”, Welsh Outpouring is a better description. […]

  • A Second Visit to the Cwmbran Outpouring

    It is now over a month since Victory Church in Cwmbran opened their doors five nights a week to share with other people the work that God has been doing in their church. After my first visit I asked two […]
