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Post Tagged with: "Holy Spirit"

  • Revival is an Exceptional Work of the Holy Spirit

    “What is a revival?” Answers to this question are essential if you want to understand the rationale for the Church Growth Modelling project. The fifth and final in this series of five articles comes from a sermon I have preached […]

  • Help! My Church is Heading for Extinction

    What Can I Do? I have had considerable feedback from my two posts on the Growth, Decline and Extinction of UK Churches [1]. Many people have been concerned by forecasts of extinction and have asked me what they can do […]

  • Holy Spirit logo

    What is Revival? Introduction

    Answers to this question are essential if you want to understand the rationale for the Church Growth Modelling project. The first in this series of five articles is based on Acts 1:1-12.

    Read about the Breadalbane Revival in Perthshire, Scotland in 1800

  • Billy Graham, Church Growth and Revival

    Given the news yesterday of the death of the great evangelist Billy Graham, I felt I needed to blog a few words in honour of a man who God used to do so much for the cause of the Gospel in the 20thcentury.

  • Church Decline Caused By Lack of Revival

    In my last blog [1], I showed that the primary cause of decline for the Presbyterian Church of Wales (aka Calvinist Methodists) in the 20th century was due to a large drop in conversions to the church. Additionally, there was […]

  • Limits to Church Growth – Part 2

    The Reproduction of Enthusiasts In a previous post, I investigated two barriers to church growth. Firstly, the lack of the supply of religion by the church. Secondly, the a lack of demand for religion in society [1]. For those barriers […]

  • Nagaland Revival 1976-1982

    Nagaland, an Indian state bordering Burma, saw dramatic growth in the number of Christians during the 20th century [1]. Composed of 16 separate tribes with different languages, the Naga people use English as their predominant language, which has undoubtedly helped […]

  • Is the Charismatic Revival Over?

    The Changing Nature of Worship Songs In a recent article for Christian Today, worship leader Noel Richards passed commented on the style of worship songs written in the 1990s and those written now[1]. His central thesis is that there were […]

  • Conversion – Hearts Strangely Warmed

    The Meaning of “Conversion” in Church Growth Models When I present my models on church growth, I invariably refer to the process by which a person joins, or starts attending, a church as their conversion. Like the words “believer” and “unbeliever”, […]

  • The Singing that Ended the Dance

    Modelling the growth of the church in times of revival is fraught with difficulties. The work of the Holy Spirit is so unpredictable: “The wind blows where it wishes”, John 3:8. Social modelling, like my church growth work, depends on […]

  • “Church Growth in Britain” – A Review

    Book’s Purpose I have just finished reading a book called Church Growth in Britain[1], which may seem a strange title given the church in the UK has been in persistent decline since the 1950s, both in membership and attendance. The […]

  • Women Bishops and Church Growth

    Today was the day the Church of England narrowly turned down a proposal that would allow women to become bishops. Clearly this made headline news in the UK, especially as it had been widely anticipated that it would be passed. […]
