Revival References
A revival is a sovereign move of God, where the Holy Spirit awakens Christian believers and through them, converts unbelievers. The nature of revival is based on scripture and is the primary way through which God grows his church. Although revival is in the hands of God, the progress of revival is through normal human means of person-to-person contact and thus can spread in a similar way to an infection. This is the analogy used in church growth modelling. As such, books on the theology and history of revival are foundational to the church growth modelling project.
General Books on Revival
- Edwards B.H. (1990). Revival! Evangelical Press.
A straightforward account of the nature of revival, illustrated with many examples. - Fish HC. (2014)[1873]. Handbook of Revivals: For the Use of Winners of Souls. Nabu Press.
A description of revival to help those who are involved in a revival, especially evangelists. - Greig P. (1998). Awakening Cry. Silver Fish.
- Higham W.V. The Turn of the Tide. International Awakening Press.
- Lloyd-Jones D.M. (1984). Joy Unspeakable. Kingsway Publications.
Sermons about baptism with the Holy Spirit, but related to revival throughout. - Lloyd-Jones D.M. (1986). Revival. Marshall Pickering.
A series of sermons preached in 1959. Perhaps the deepest and most thorough exposition of revival from a Biblical perspective. - Matthew D. (1990). Revive Us Again. Harvestime.
Revival seen from a “restorationist” perspective. - MacNeil T. (2021). The Sleeping Giant: A Call to the Church to Awake and Arise. River Publishing & Media Ltd.
Revival through personal renewal. Makes revival accessible to a wide Christian audience. - Murray I. (1971). The Puritan Hope: A Study In Revival And The Interpretation Of Prophecy. Banner of Truth.
A view of revival from a post-millennial perspective, set in the context of Protestantism since the Reformation. - Olford S.F. (1962). Heart Cry for Revival. EMI Books Memphis.
- Roberts R.O. (1991). Revival. International Awakening Press.
- Sprague W. (1833)[2009]. Lectures on Revival. Michigan Library.
An all-time classic, written in a time when many in the church had first-hand experience of revival. - Wallis A. (1956). In the Day of Thy Power. Christian Literature Crusade.
A classic book that challenges the reader to see revival for themselves. - White J. (1988). When the Spirit Comes in Power. Hodder and Stoughton.

History of Revival
- Awstin – Original reports from the Wales 1904-5 revival.
- Bennett R. (1969). Howell Harris and the Dawn of Revival, Evangelical Press of Wales.
Story of the Methodist revival in 18th century Wales through one of the leaders. - Elvet Lewis H. (1989). With Christ Among the Miners. In “Glory Filled The Land”. International Awakening Press.
A first-hand account of the 1904-5 revival. - Evans E. (1967). Revival Comes to Wales. Evangelical Press of Wales.
An account of the 1859 revival. - Evans E. (1969). The Welsh Revival of 1904. Evangelical Press of Wales.
The most balanced and inspiring account of the revival. - Evans E. (1985). Daniel Rowland and the Great Evangelical Awakening, Banner of Truth.
Story of the Methodist revival in 18th century Wales through one of the leaders. - Jones D.G. (2001). Favoured with Frequent Revivals: Revivals in Wales 1762-1862. The Heath Christian Trust, Cardiff.
- Jones B.P. (1995). Voices from the Welsh Revival 1904-1905. Evangelical Press of Wales.
- Jones B.P. (1995). An Instrument of Revival: The Complete Life of Evan Roberts, Bridge Publications. Wales 1904.
- Jones R.B. (1950). Rent Heavens. Republished by Revival Literature, Asheville NC.
A first-hand account of the 1904-5 revival. - Matthews D. (2004)[1951]. I Saw the Welsh Revival. Ambassador Publications.
A first-hand account of the 1904-5 revival. - Nuttall G.F. (1987). Howell Harris, 1714-1773: The last enthusiast, Wales U.P. Wales 18th century.
- Penn-Lewis J. (1905). The Awakening in Wales and Some of its Hidden Springs. The Revival Library.
A first-hand account of the 1904-5 revival. - Phillips D.M. (1906). Evan Roberts – the Great Revivalist. Available from A very detailed account of the 1904-5 revival. Includes Evan Robert’s letters written during the revival.
- Phillips T. (1989) [1860]. The Welsh Revival: Its Origin and Development. Banner of Truth.
- Roberts D.W. (2013). The Welsh Revival of 1904. What happened Next: Lessons from History. Available from Smashwords.
- Stewart J.A. (1963). Invasion of Wales by the Spirit. Revival Literature, Asheville NC. 1904-5 revival.
- Newspaper reports of the 1904-5 Welsh revival. At
- Timelines of the revival are available from this site. Background to the 1904-5 Welsh revival. First two weeks of the 1904-5 Welsh revival.
- Well Digger. Numerous accounts of revivals in Wales, especially 1904.

- Dallimore A. (1970). George Whitefield (2 volumes), Banner of Truth.
18th century Methodist revival mainly in England. Also Scotland, Wales and the USA. - Dallimore A. (1983). The Life of Edward Irving, Banner of Truth.
England and Scotland early-mid 19th century. - Davey C.J. (1979). The Glory Man. Hodder & Stoughton.
Evangelist Billy Bray and Cornish revivals. - Griffen S.C. (1992). A Forgotten Revival. Day One.
1921 Revival in East Anglia. - Orr J.E. (2000). The Church of England and the 1859 Revival. British Church Growth Association (reprinted).
- Orr J.E. (1953). The Second Evangelical Awakening in Britain, Marshall, Morgan and Scott Ltd.
- Ryle J.C. (1978). Christian Leaders of the 18th Century, Banner of Truth.
Includes biographies of George White field, John Wesley, Daniel Rowlands, William Grimshaw, William Romaine, John Berridge, Henry Venn, James Hervey, John Fletcher, Samuel Walker, Augustus Toplady. - Shenton T. (2003). A Cornish Revival: The Life and Times of Samuel Walker of Truro. Evangelical Press.
- Whittaker C. (1986). Seven Pentecostal Pioneers. Harper Collins.
- Campbell D. (2015) Revival in the Hebrides, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. Free PDF.
- Duncan M.G.L. (2012)[1836]. History of Revivals of Religion in the British Isles, Especially in Scotland. Ulan Press.
- Fawcett A. (1971). The Cambuslang Revival. Banner of Truth.
18th-century revival. - Lennie T. (2009). Glory in the Glen. Christian Focus.
Scottish Revivals 1880-1940. - Lennie T. (2015). Land of Many Revivals. Christian Focus. 1527–1857.
Scottish Revivals 1527-1857. - Lennie T. (2018). Scotland Ablaze. Christian Focus.
Scottish Revivals 1858–1879. - Lennie T. (2023). Island Aflame: The Famed Lewis Awakening that Never Occured and the Glorious Revival that Did. Christian Focus.
An in-depth look at the Lewis Revival of 1949-53 that helps separate myths and rumours from the facts of the revival. - Macrae A. (1998). Revivals in the Highlands and Islands in the 19th Century. Tentmaker Publications.
- MacMillan JD. (1989). Restoration in the Church: Reports of Revivals 1625-1839. Ambassador.
Largely Scotland, some reference to Wales and Ulster. - Peckham C. & M. (2004). Sounds From Heaven: The Revival on the Isle of Lewis 1949-1952, Christian Focus.
- Robe J. (1985). When the Wind Blows. Ambassador.
18th-century revival. - Scottish Hebrides Revival of 1949-53.
A brief account of the famous Scottish revival. - Taylor S. (2003).The Skye Revivals. New Wine Press. 1800-1934.
- Woolsey A. (1974). Duncan Campbell, Hodder and Stoughton.
The 1949-1952 Hebridean revival.

Northern Ireland
- Gibson W. (1860). The Year of Grace – 1859 Revival in Ulster. Ambassador.
- Paisley I.K. (1958). The “Fifty-Nine” Revival. An Authentic History of the Great Ulster Awakening of 1859. Free Presbyterian Church.
- Bartleman F. (1925). Azusa Street, various editions and publishers.
- Coleman R. & Litfin A.D. (1995). Accounts of a Campus Revival – Wheaton College 1995, Harold Shaw publishers.
Revival in a college in the USA. - Cross W. (1950). The Burned-Over District – Harper.
19th-century revival in the USA. - Gausted E.S. (1965). The Great Awakening in New England. Peter Smith.
- Murray I.H. (1994). Revival and Revivalism, Banner of Truth.
Contains extensive references to the second great awakening. - Riss R.M. (1988). A Survey of 20th Century Revival Movements in North America, Hendrickson Publishers.
- Synan V. (1997). The Holiness-Pentecostal Tradition, Eerdmans.
History of Pentecostalism - Thornbury J.F. (1977). God Sent Revival, Evangelical Press.
Story of the second great awakening (19th-century), especially through Nettleton. - Weisberger (1958). They Gathered at the River, Quadrangle Press.
Story of 19th-century revivals.
Other Countries
- Accounts of revivals in China and Nagaland India. Includes current revival in China.
- Bulan S. (2004). The Bario Revival. Home Matters Network.
- Butler B. (1976). Hill Ablaze, Hodder and Stoughton.
Revival in Uganda. - Hattaway P. (2006). From Head-Hunters to Church Planters, Piquant.
Revival in Nagaland, India. - Makower K. (1999). The Coming of the Rain, Paternoster press.
Revival in Rwanda. - Orr J.E. (1975). Evangelical Awakenings in Eastern Asia. Bethany Fellowship.
- Orr J.E. (1976). Evangelical Awakenings in the South Seas. Bethany Fellowship.
- Ward K. & Wild-Wood E. (2010). The East African Revival: History and Legacies, Fountain Publishers, Kampala, Uganda.
- Beautiful Feet. 366 Accounts of Revival.
Revivals from Jacob in 1700 BC to Indonesia in 2010. Many interesting and lesser-heard revivals. - Backholer M. (2007). Revival and the Great Commission, ByFaith Media.
- Backholer M. (2009). Revival Fires and Awakenings.
Both books document many recent revivals as well as older ones. Set in the context of an explanation of revival. - Broadbent E.H. (1931). The Pilgrim Church. Gospel Folio Press.
Not strictly about revival but about the believing church throughout the history of Christianity. As such, it includes many revivals from many countries. - Shaw M. (2010). Global Awakening: How 20th Century Revivals Triggered a Christian Revolution. IVP.
Searches for common themes and contexts in revivals from various countries: Korea, China, India, Nigeria, Uganda, Brazil and the USA. - Waugh G. (1998). Flashpoints of Revival, Revival Press.
Post-1945 Revivals
It is much easier to determine the authenticity of a revival movement as a genuine work of the Holy Spirit after it has ceased and the controversies have subsided. The following are included as possible candidates for contemporary revivals, accepting the problems that some sections of the Christian church have found with them.
- Bennett D.J. (1974). Nine O’clock in the Morning. Kingsway Publications.
The story of the rise of charismatic renewal from its beginnings in California. - Dixon P. (1994). Signs of Revival. Kingsway Publications.
A defence of the phenomena that sometimes occur during revival, especially those that occurred during the Toronto Blessing. - Enroth R.M., Ericson E.E. & Peters C. B. (1972). The Jesus People. Eerdmans.
History of the rise of the Jesus people of California through the late 1960’s. - Fleming J.S. (2007). Bind Us Together. Thankful Books.
History of the restoration churches and their significance. - Frisbee L. & Sachs R. (2012). Not By Might Nor By Power: The Jesus Revolution Vol 1; (2016). Not By Might Nor By Power: The Great Commission: Vol 2; (2019). Not By Might Nor By Power: Set Free, Vol 3. Freedom Publications.
The story of evangelist Lonnie Frisbee and the Jesus People. - Gunstone J. (1982). Pentecostal Anglicans. Hodder & Stoughton.
- Hocken P. (1997). Streams of Renewal: The Origins and Early Development of the Charismatic Movement in Great Britain. Paternoster Press.
- Jackson W. (1999). The Quest for the Radical Middle – A History of the Vineyard. Vineyard International Publishing.
- Poloma M.M. (2003). Main Street Mystics – The Toronto Blessing & Reviving Pentecostalism. Altmira Press.
- Rabey S. (1999). Revival in Brownsville: Pensacola, Pentecostalism, and the Power of American Revivalism. Thomas Nelson.
- Riss R.M. (1987). Latter Rain: The Latter Rain Movement of 1948 and the mid-twentieth century evangelical awakening, Honeycomb Visual Productions.
The revival that influenced aspects of Restorationism and Charismatic renewal. - Riss R.M. & Riss K. (1997). Images of Revival. Destiny Image.
A defence of the Toronto Blessing in the light of history. - Roberts D. (1994). The Toronto Blessing. Kingsway.
A History of the Toronto Blessing. - The Latter Rain Movement of 1948.
A sympathetic account of the people and events of the revival in North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada. - Walker A. (1989). Restoring the Kingdom.
History of the restoration and “house church” movement in the UK. - Virgo T. (2001). No Well-Worn Paths. Kingsway.
Story of the “New Frontiers” New-Church stream. - Yun, (Brother) & Hattaway P. (2002). The Heavenly Man. Monarch. Revival in China.

Theology and Critique of Revival
- Edwards B. (2001). Can We Pray for Revival? Evangelical Press.
A response to Pentecost Today, see below. - Edwards J. (1965). Jonathan Edwards on Revival. Banner of Truth. Including:
- A Narrative of Surprising Conversions (1736),
- The Distinguishing Marks of the Spirit of God (1741)
- An Account of the Revival of Religion in Northampton 1740-1742.
- Murray I.H. (1994). Revival and Revivalism. Banner of Truth.
Distinguishes social movements that are man-made from genuine moves of the Holy Spirit and explores the blurred lines between these. - Murray I.H. (1998). Pentecost Today? Banner of Truth.
- Orr J. E. (2000). The Outpouring of the Spirit in Revival and Awakening and its Issue in Church Growth.
Explores the link between the work of the Holy Spirit and church growth. Republished by the British Church Growth Association and available here for download in A4 format. By kind permission of BCGA.