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Post Tagged with: "Church Statistics"

  • Progressive Ideology

    UK Church Decline and Progressive Ideology

    Some churches in the UK are being influenced by the prevailing progressive ideology in Western culture. How does denominational growth and decline relate to acceptance of progressive ideas? This question is addressed examining the denominations’ approach to marriage.

  • UK Church Membership change

    Growth, Decline and Extinction of UK Churches

    Christianity is declining in the UK. In particular, the numbers participating in churches are decreasing each year. Of course, not all denominations are declining. A few are growing. What is the pattern of growth and decline across the UK denominations? […]

  • The Rise and Decline of British Methodism

    Application of the Institutional Model of Church Growth Some while ago, I introduced a model of church membership that explain the rapid growth of a church, only to be followed by decline as institutionalism set in [1]. The primary effect […]

  • Church Decline Caused by Lack of Conversions

    In my last blog, Closing Rural Churches [1], I said that no strategy to reverse church decline would work unless it deals with the root cause of decline, the church’s failure to recruit sufficient people to counteract its losses. In […]

  • Membership Decline in the Southern Baptist Convention

    Every year, the new edition of the Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches publishes the membership figures for all the Christian denominations in the USA [1]. Heading up the list of protestant churches is the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), very […]

  • The Decline of the Church of England

    The decline of the Church of England has been well-publicised for many years. Because of the connections between church and state, the future survival of the church is of interest to many agencies, both Christian and otherwise. Any new attendance […]
